Thursday 4 February 2016

The Death of Internet Explorer

No one can deny the way that Internet Explorer is dying in some horrible, nightmarish way. Despite the fact that Microsoft is making a decent attempt to save it yet it’s not enough. Internet Explorer’s arch-rival, especially Google Chrome and Mozilla firebox, are emulating significantly more aggressive approach in making this route to captivating digital world better and trouble free for the audiences. 
Dreary methodology of Microsoft even when Mozilla Firefox consistently expanded its piece of the pie after 2005 and Google chrome after 2008 has left the giant conglomerate anesthetized. Of late, Microsoft has utilized some peculiar techniques and publicizing to increase back the lost ground yet it has been of no use. Microsoft has not possessed the capacity to withstand and fight against these far praiseworthy and speedier browsers.
Let’s have a look at some statistics to see how IE is falling apart.

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